Friday, December 03, 2004

Riddle 2

Repost of one I did elsewhere, mostly because I'm too tired to think of a new one ;) And I really dont' feel like sharing or caring right now. *grabs his teddy bear back*

I am, in truth, a yellow forkFrom tables in the sky
By inadvertent fingers dropped
The awful cutlery.
Of mansions never quite disclosed
And never quite concealed
The apparatus of the dark
To ignorance revealed.

I'll post the answer to the last one in a day or two

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

New Blog

New Blog... because I have nothing better in my life to do. Well... let me clarify, I have nothing better legal in my life to do.

As of right now I have intentions of making this blog significantly different then my other, past, prolix blogs. The average post should be less then 3 pages, but may still require a dictionary, depending on my mood. However the largest difference within this blog will be it's direction, quite simply, it will have one! I'm thinking that I'll create an infrastructure based on riddles (hence the address [although thinking of that, I might very well change the name to something more pointed and relevant also]), and use that as a transition point in order to detail anything of interest to me that I wish to share with you, assuming of course that as some point you ceases to be a figment of my imagination.

Now to start off a riddle blog on a proper note, one might think that it is proper to include a lateral puzzle within the first entry. So now without further ado:

I know a word of letters three.
Add two, and fewer there will be.


p.s. Just for reference, I have no intention, whatsoever of continuing this blog with such a pompous and redundant attitude. It just sounded like a nice change of pace and a good way to get some of my points across.